

In its capacity as a higher education and specialist library, the Library collects and preserves the national and foreign literature of the sciences, disciplines and their frontier sciences taught and researched at the University Faculty; manuals (lexicons, encyclopedias, dictionaries, scientific reference books), non-fiction and fiction books for the general education of teachers, students, and employees.
Its main scope is: trade, economics, catering industry, tourism, pedagogy, language teaching. It strives for completeness in the collection of Hungarian-language literature in the field of trade and hospitality. With regard to foreign language literature, it also acquires manuals and textbooks of the specialized fields, historical literature in the field of hospitality industry and culinary arts, and more in-depth literature on national cuisines. The Library collects the literature of the basic sciences and their frontier areas in the main scope, but not in an attempt to be complete.

Main stocks, collections:

Books (open-shelf collection):
The largest part of the collection. In accordance with the main collection principles of the Library, this part of the collection contains the largest number of materials of the specialized fields taught at the Faculty and their frontier sciences. In addition, however, a significant number of fiction collections await our readers who wish to educate themselves.

Reference section:
The reference section in the reading room contains manuals, lexicons, dictionaries, legal collections, basic bibliographic works, and comprehensive, encyclopedic works of the specialized fields.

Course books:
Our library acquires and collects the textbooks published by the University Faculty in an effort to be complete. In our archive collection, we keep all the course books published since the start of Higher Vocational Education (1962) in our collection.

Special collection (culinary arts):
Our special collection of more than 6.500 books is the second largest gastronomic collection in the country.

EU Documentation collection:
In 2000, our library received the status of European Union Documentation Center. The EU collection is located in the Tourism Library.

Our library preserves the diploma theses prepared at the Faculty in electronic format.

We subscribe to many national and foreign magazines. In addition to professional periodicals, we also collect and provide national periodicals for general information and culture. We also subscribe to important foreign-language journals in priority fields of science, or acquire them through support.

Audio-visual documents:
Our collection contains a large number of audio cassettes, CDs, videos and DVDs related to hospitality and tourism, mainly for language learning.

Electronic databases:
Specialized databases, which can be accessed in our library through a higher education library or European Commission grant or subscription, represent a special value in our acquisition.