
1.For BBS students
They can register after presenting a valid student ID (if you don't have a student ID, proof of active student status is required). The library card must be validated the first time you use the library each academic year. After registration, they can use our library services (e.g. borrowing, use in place) according to the conditions defined for them in the library regulations.

Beiratkozási díj: INGYENES.
Substitution of a lost library card: 200 Ft.
The library handles the data requested and recorded during registration in compliance with the provisions of data protection laws. The reader must report any changes in the data as soon as possible in the reader's own interest. The loss of the library card must also be reported as soon as possible, as the library does not take responsibility for the resulting abuse.

– Graduate students (who have already completed their studies but have not yet submitted their thesis, or are preparing for language and/or final exam): they can use the library's services until the day of the final exam. 
Beiratkozási díj: INGYENES.

4. FCHT lecturers and employees
Every employee of the University can be a member of the library until the termination of their employment, according to the conditions defined for them in the library regulations. Lecturers can use the services of the Faculty Library for the duration of their employment, upon presentation of a certificate issued by the commissioning department.

5. External users
Library visitors who do not belong to the above categories can get a day ticket, a library card or a visitor's ticket. An identity card or student card is required for the registration. The daily ticket, the library card or the visitor's ticket entitle external users only for using the library in place.
Day ticket: 500 Ft
Library card: 3000 Ft, with student card: 1500 Ft. The library card is valid for 12 months from the date of resgistration.
The library handles the data requested and recorded during registration in compliance with the provisions of data protection laws. The reader must report any changes in the data as soon as possible in the reader's own interest. The loss of the library card must also be reported as soon as possible, as the library does not take responsibility for the resulting abuse.